MDB publishes its 2021 Annual Report​

​More than 700 firms secure financial backing through the Malta Development Bank considering new support measures for strategic sectors in view of developments related to war in Ukraine

Since the inception of the Malta Development Bank (MDB), more than 700 firms in Malta and Gozo, across the economic spectrum, have secured over €600 million in guarantees and loans backed by the MDB, a significant figure reflecting almost 14% of all outstanding business loans in Malta. These figures were disclosed in MDB’s 2021 Annual Report, tabled in Parliament yesterday.

The Bank explained that as the pandemic continued to restrict economic activity and liquidity in 2021, it extended its Covid-19 related schemes thus ensuring that firms continued to have access to ample bank credit to finance their working capital needs. The report also highlights the Bank’s countercyclical role through the evident inverse relationship between the intensity of MDB’s assistance and GDP growth during the past seven quarters of available data.

The Covid-19 Guarantee Scheme (CGS) remained the Bank’s most impactful scheme, with more than 600 firms employing around 40,000 persons benefitting during one of the most challenging times in recent economic history. The CGS provided a lifeline to businesses requiring finance to cover working capital costs such as wages, rental costs, and utility bills. In parallel, the MDB also operated an Interest Rate Subsidy Scheme, which provided grants on interest payable on CGS loans.

Alongside the extensive crisis response measures, the Bank’s core programmes continued to deliver significant contributions. The SME Invest remained MDB’s main guarantee scheme for new investments by small businesses. As at end 2021 the allocated portfolio of €50 million has been almost entirely absorbed. The Further Studies Made Affordable Scheme, through which the Bank continued to support the upskilling of Malta’s youths and strengthening the country’s human capital, was also highly successful, so much so that it had its budget topped up for the year in review. Subsequently, earlier this year, a new scheme, the FSMA+ was launched, also through EU funding, making available another €15 million in soft loans for students.

The Bank also continued to support infrastructure projects, whose borrowing requirement tends to exceed the amount that any single commercial bank is willing to accommodate.
Introducing the report, MDB Chairman Prof. Josef Bonnici explained that as the economic situation evolved in the past months, the Bank has adjusted its strategy to reflect the changing needs of the economy and the business community, adding that it has now set the wheels in motion to develop programmes that reflect the evolving circumstances of the post-pandemic scenario.

Prof. Bonnici said that the Bank was keeping an eye on the unfolding situation in Ukraine and its effects on the Maltese economy. “In this regard, the Bank is actively considering the introduction of a number of measures to support strategic sectors in securing the supply of key commodities and to facilitate the flow of liquidity to local businesses”, the chairperson said.

The Bank has also invested significantly in improving its internal organisation, including its governance structures, to ensure that it is better positioned to access EU funded financial instruments made available through the support of the European Investment Fund and going forward under InvestEU.

During the year the MDB signed two guarantee agreements amounting to close to €80 million under the Pan-European Guarantee Fund (EGF) to support the two financial instruments soon to be launched by the Bank. Such guarantees shall be leveraged through intermediating commercial banks enabling an injection in excess of €150 million in the economy.

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Rene Saliba explained that in spite of the international economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions, indicators point towards a sustained recovery, for the European and Maltese economy. “In such a context, the MDB has been for the past months carrying out extensive research and consulting with economic stakeholders, in order to design the instruments required by the local economy to support its regeneration and meeting the strict obligations associated with the fight against climate change and the extensive investment gap in digitalisation. On all fronts, the Bank will retain its strong social dimension which has characterised its short history”, he added.
The full Annual Report is available on the MDB Website.​

Fact Sheet – Annual Report 2021​​​

Aktar minn 700 kumpanija jiksbu appoġġ finanzjarju permez tal-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp – ippubblikat ir-rapport annwali 2021

Il-Bank qed jikkunsidraaktar miżuri ta’ sostenn lil setturi strateġiċi ’konsiderazzjoni tal-iżviluppi marbuta mal-gwerra fl-Ukrajna

Sa mit-twaqqif tal-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp (MDB) aktar minn 700 kumpanija f’Malta u Għawdex, mill-oqsma ekonomiċi kollha, kisbu aktar minn €600 miljun f’garanziji u self bl-appoġġ tal-MDB, ċifra sostanzjali li tirrifletti kważi 14% tas-self kollu pendenti lill-intrapriżi Maltin. Dawn iċ-ċifri kienu ppubblikati fir-Rapport Annwali 2021 tal-MDB li tqiegħed fuq il-mejda tal-Kamra tal-Parlament ilbieraħ.

Il-Bank spjega li hekk kif il-pandemija kompliet tirrestrinġi l-attività ekonomika u l-likwidità fl-2021, huwa estenda l-iskemi marbuta mal-Covid-19 biex jiżgura li l-kumpaniji jibqa’ jkollhom aċċess b’saħħtu għal kreditu biex jiffinanzjaw il-kapital meħtieġ biex jitmexxa n-negozju. Ir-rapport jitfa’ wkoll dawl fuq ir-rwol tal-Bank li jixpruna l-ekonomija f’mumenti ta’ diffikulta. Din toħroġ biċ-ċar fir-relazzjoni inversa bejn l-intensità tal-assistenza tal-MDB u t-tkabbir ekonomiku fl-aħħar sena u disa’ xhur.

L-Iskema ta’ Garanzija għall-Covid-19 (CGS) tibqa’ l-iktar skema tal-Bank li ħalliet impatt, b’aktar minn 600 kumpaniji li jħaddmu mal-40,000 persuna jgawdu mill-għajnuna f’wieħed mill-aktar perjodi ta’ sfida fl-istorja ekonomika riċenti. L-CGS kienet fundamentali għan-negozji biex jaċċessaw il-finanzjament biex iħallsu spejjeż bħal pagi, kirjiet u kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. Fl-istess ħin, l-MDB ħaddem ukoll Skema ta’ Sussidju fuq ir-Rati tal-Imgħax, li provdiet għotjiet fuq l-imgħax pagabbli fuq self tal-CGS.

Barra mill-miżuri estensivi biex jilqgħu għall-kriżi, il-programmi ewlenin tal-Bank komplew jiġġeneraw kontribuzzjoni sostanzjali lill-ekonomija. L-SME Invest baqgħat l-akbar skema ta’ garanzija tal-MDB għal investimenti ġodda min-negozji żgħar. Sal-aħħar tal-2021, il-portafoll allokat ta’ €50 miljun ġie prattikament assorbit kollu. L-Iskema Further Studies Made Affordable, li permezz tagħha l-Bank kompla jappoġġja l-edukazzjoni taż-żgħażagħ Maltin u Għawdxin u t-tisħiħ tal-kapital uman kienet success kbir, tant li l-baġit tagħha kellu jiġi miżjud matul l-2021. Sussegwentement, tnediet skema ġdida, l-FSMA+, anke din permezz ta’ finanzjament tal-Unjoni Ewropea (UE), li permezz tagħha, €15-il miljun f’self b’kundizzjonijiet favorevoli huma disponibbli għall-istudenti.
Il-Bank kompla jappoġġja wkoll proġetti infrastrutturali, li jkollhom ħtiġijiet ta’ self li jkun akbar minn dak li bank kummerċjali waħdu jkun lest li jipprovdi.

F’introduzzjoni għar-rapport, iċ-Chairman tal-MDB, Prof. Josef Bonnici spjega li hekk kif is-sitwazzjoni ekonomika evolviet fl-aħħar xhur, il-Bank aġġusta l-istrateġija tiegħu biex jirrifletti l-bidliet fil-ħtiġijiet tal-komunità kummerċjali u li issa għaddej b’ħidma biex jiżviluppa programmi li jirriflettu ċ-ċirkostanzi li qed jevolvu fix-xenarju ta’ wara l-pandemija.

Il-Prof. Bonnici qal ukoll li l-Bank qed josserva s-sitwazzjoni li qed tiżviluppa fl-Ukrajna u l-impatt fuq l-ekonomija Maltija. “F’dan ir-rigward, il-Bank qed jikkunsidra l-introduzzjoni ta’ numru ta’ miżuri biex jappoġġja setturi strateġiċi u hekk jassigura l-provvista ta’ prodotti bażiċi ewlenin u jiffaċilita il -likwidità lin-negozju lokali”.

Il-Bank investa wkoll biex isaħħaħ sostanzjalment l-organizzazzjoni interna tiegħu, inkluż l-istruttura ta’ governanza, biex jiżgura li jkun f’pożizzjoni aħjar li jaċċessa strumenti finanzjarji tal-Unjoni Ewropea u eventwalment permez tal-InvestEU.

Matul is-sena, l-MDB iffirma żewġ ftehimiet ta’ garanziji li jammontaw għal kważi €80 miljun taħt il-Fond ta’ Garanzija Pan-Ewropew li se jappoġġjaw żewġ strumenti finanzjarji li se jitnedew mill-Bank. Bis-saħħa ta’ dawn il-garanziji se jkun possibbli li permezz tal-intermedjazzjoni tal-banek kummerċjali, se tiġi ġġenerata injezzjoni ta’ aktar minn €150 miljun fl-ekonomija f’investiment ġdid.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv, is-Sur Rene Saliba spejga li minkejja l-inċertezzi ekonomiċi internazzjonali u t-tensjonijiet ġeopolitiċi, l-indikaturi juru rkupru sostnut kemm għall-ekonomija Ewropea kif ukoll dik Maltija. “F’dan il-kuntest, l-MDB ilu, għal dawn l-aħħar xhur iwettaq riċerka estensiva u jikkonsulta ma’ diversi entitajiet, biex iħejji l-istrumenti meħtieġa biex ikompli jappoġġja r-riġenerazzjoni tal-ekonomija filwaqt li jintlaħqu l-obbligi marbuta mal-ġlieda kontra l-bidla fil-klima u biex nixprunaw l-investiment fid-diġitalizzazzjoni. F’kull aspett, il-Bank se jżomm id-dimensjoni soċjali b’saħħitha bl-istess mod kif din kkaratterizzat l-istorja qasira tiegħu”, temm jgħid.

Ir-rapport annwali hu disponibbli fuq is-sit tal-MDB​.​

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